Frequently Asked Question

Question- Why is the D Vision so important to DCG?
Answer- The D Vision is the result of working with hundreds of franchisors and various businesses over the last 30 years. More than 90% of businesses fail to achieve the goals of its founders or simply just fail. Almost all businesses fail due to one reason; the lack of business systems or the owner’s inability to work “on” their business or view their business objectively. The D Vision program is anti-business-failure solution. It’s based on a unique, strategic mindset and business philosophy that has been highly successful so many times with our clients.
Question- Can you please explain this some more?
Answer- Yes, DCG has been involved with businesses and franchisors for the last 40 years. As developers and consultants to the franchising industry we have found that most of our clients simply only desire one thing; knowledge and assistance in helping to sell their franchises. Once the franchise selling process is created and selling franchises is relatively easy and produces cash flow , the franchisors business is turned into a selling machine with little regard for any other corporate functions. This singular “selling” mentality then becomes the sole purpose of the franchisor and within a yr or two unhinges the company where it then stalls or fails due to a lack of understanding how a franchising business really works.
Question- How is the D Vision education different from other business development programs?
Answer- The D Vision has its origins in the E-Myth philosophy created by Michael Gerber. The E-Myth is widely acknowledged to be the most innovate and effective small business philosophy created over the last 30 years. The D Vision is the up to date evolution of the E-Myth concept now wrapped into a much better, faster “digital” approach that gets right to the point. The D Vision is very much a holistic, higher view and enlightened business system. It is also very “scientific” where it says the “ system is the solution”.
Question- Please clarify, is the D Vision like most Business Plans?
Answer- No, not at all. The D Vision is so much more than just your average business plan. The D Vision says, “ free your business, free your life” . The D Vision is a creation aimed at completely changing your perspective and reasoning why you started a business at all. It is revolutionary and shakes the thinking of business founders and entrepreneurs.
Question- Why don’t other consulting companies like yourself use the D Vision process?
Answer- Because most other consulting companies don’t understand the sensitive balance required for long term business growth and profits. The D Vision says that long term business success depends on the understanding of the 3 balanced ( 1/3 each ) personalities that every successful entrepreneur must have; the Technician, the Manager and the Entrepreneur. This is what the D Vision calls the higher view or “30,000” feet high observation.
Question- How do you teach the D Vision?
Answer- We use a hard copy Workbook and a digital Workbook. The hard copy Workbook is the initial immersion of the D Vision and serves as the shock or disruptor required to integrate the D Vision into every component of the business. The hard copy Work book requires 4-6 weeks of classroom time. The digital Workbook is the software that we have developed that serves as the entire business development process for the life of the business. Once the D Vision is accepted by the business founders and entrepreneurs, they are on the path to unlimited business visions and exponential ideas.
Question- Is the D Vision hard to learn?
Answer- No, its easy and anyone can learn this. However it requires an open mind. It’s also very empowering personally and lots of fun. It changes the quality of your business and your life as well as you now have a new and better way of thinking about everything.
Question- Who has used the D Vision to grow their businesses?
Answer- The following have used the D Vision or the essence of the D Vision to grow their businesses to amazing levels. Here’s just a dew that you might know; McDonalds, Fedex, UPS, Lululemon, 1 800 GOT JUNK, Canadian Tire. Tim Hortons.
Question- Who are the principal people behind the D Vision?
Answer- Farhad Dordar and Ted van Samang. Both Farhad and Ted have dedicated their business lives to the successful development of the D Vision. Farhad and Ted and the D Vision team have created the D Vision that be easily absorbed and utilized into any business as its main building blocks that will last forever and can withstand any business earthquake.
Question- Why Franchising and what does DCG offer?
Answer- Franchising is the most dynamic method of replicating a business concept ever created in business history. Franchising now covers the whole world with amazing new franchised concepts born every day. Franchising is THE way to grow FAST if you can meet the criteria of becoming a franchisor. DCG and its founders Ted van Samang and Farhad Dordar have developed more franchise systems and sold ( selected ) more franchisees than anyone else in Canada. Ted van Samang alone has sold more than 1,000 franchises. DCG is creating a system to develop a fast business replicating organization like no one else in Canada and the US.


Question- Can you explain this further please?
Answer- Yes, DCG creates a total franchising package for companies that can meet its 10 point criteria for franchising and becoming a franchisor. It also offer a unique and disruptive service called the D Vision designed to develop a franchising system that will not fail. The D Vision franchising offers a program that calls for a new vision, a free vision of unlimited success. We call this the DCG exponential franchising system. We are the only franchise consulting company that offers this new, unique and holistic approach.

Question- Why is the D VISION education on franchising is so important ?
Answer- The D Vision offer a dynamic, innovative solution to solve the problem of business failure including the failure of franchising companies. More 95% of all companies including franchising fail to meet the owner’s goals. The reason for this that the business owners work IN their business and not ON their business. The D Vision introduces a whole new way of thinking about business and frees a business owner to look at their business from a new mindset. The D Vision also provides the ultimate business systemization program ever created. Without the D Vision a business will have a very difficult time reaching its true potential. The D Vision is created for business owners with an unlimited vision.

Question- What are the other services that franchising service of DCG offers?
Answers- DCG offers a comprehensive and total service for companies that want to become franchisors. Including; 1/ franchise feasibility studies/franchise market research 2/ Operations Manuals hard copy/digital 3/ Franchisee/Franchisor Training programs 4/ Franchise marketing and sales services and Franchise relayed legal services. We call this our exponential franchisor start up package. DCG currently works with over 100 franchisors in Canada, the USA and World and has an amazing knowledge and knowledge of franchising.

Question- How do I know that franchising is the best strategy for me?
Answer- This requires the work of the D Vision and the related franchise feasibility study. DCG has developed a quick and easy 10 point scoring card on meeting the criteria for franchising. This will be start. If you feel that you most of this criteria, lets talk.

Question- What is the current status of the franchising market and how many people are interested in buying a franchise?
Answer- Franchising has NEVER been stronger than today. More and more franchising companies are created every single day to meet market demand. Not only in fast food by industries like; education, medicine, health services, financial services, retail and online services, IT training companies and beauty and cosmetic services and many more. Franchising now covers more than 50 industry categories. Smart people today realize that small business is difficult to achieve because over 90% of franchises fail or go bankrupt. In the franchising world, 90% exceed.

Question – Why should I think about going public now as I just have a few franchises?
Answer- DCG specializes in taking small to midsized companies public. Even a start up company can now go public. We take companies to the brokerage community and process them through the whole procedure of going public. We replace the traditional expensive and time consuming IPO process and take companies public through the Reverse-Takeover process sometimes known as a “Blank Cheque Company”. One of the very best reasons to go public is that companies are almost always valued much higher than the same company that is privately held. Therefore, if you want to sell your company, it’s sometimes a better idea to go public first because you are going to get a much higher value.


Question- How does this work?
Answer- DCG specializes in taking small to mid sized, even start up companies public. We take companies to the brokerage community and process them through the whole procedure of going public. We use both Canadian and US going public mechanism. The traditional going public IPO is more costly and time consuming IPO process compare with some other methods. A lot of brand new companies which have great ideas and cant wait too long to do IPO take more of simpler strategical methods of going public through the Reverse-Takeover process and it is sometimes known as “Blank Cheque Company” One of the very common reasons to go public is that companies are normally valued much higher than the same company that is privately held! Therefore, if you want to sell your company, it’s sometimes a better idea to go public first because you are going to get a much higher price.

Question-Can you tell me how small or even start up companies can go public?
Answer- Everybody knows about the NYSE, AMEX or the TSE, but that is not normally where companies start to trade. The markets that we use are “junior” or small cap exchanges. We prefer these type of exchanges as they are gentler and easier for small/medium sized companies. You don’t have to be a reporting company and you don’t have to file audited financial companies. Recently due to the powerful force of the internet these junior exchanges have seen a huge injection of interest and growth

Question- Do you use Canadian as well as American junior stock exchanges?
Answer- Yes- our clients have a choice- Should an American exchange be more suitable, we have our legal and marketing partners in California and Washington DC to help you navigate the rules and regulations of going public in the US. We do all the legal filings, get you a stock symbol and introduce you to as many as 10,000 investment dealers and brokers both in the US and in Canada. You can now sell stock to investors, brokers and financial institutions on line once you have a stock symbol.

Question- Can You describe more about the benefits of going public?
Answer-Many public companies will use shares of public stock as currency. This comes into play when you seek to attract quality executives or reward loyal employees by giving them stock options. This added incentive provides them with a vested interest in your company’s ongoing growth and success. You can also use the stock as currency to merge with or acquire your competitors. By being a public company investors have an exit strategy. Knowing it is possible to buy and sell stock gives investors added confidence to invest in a public company. This is unlike a private company, which has no exit strategy for investors.

Question- Can you give me some names of the corporations that have used the Reverse Take Over or Blank Cheque public company format?
Answer- – Over the years going public by merging with a public shell has proven to be successful time and time again and is much quicker and less expensive than using the IPO route.
The following are just a few high profile public shells that resulted in some of the most well known public of all times.
Occidental Petroleum
Turner Broadcasting ( CNN )
Siebert Financial
Waste Management
Blockbuster Entertainment
Berkshire Hathaway ( Warren Buffett )
Even the New York Stock Exchange went public by reverse merger with a public shell company

Question- I am interested, What’s the best way to learn more about this?
Answer- Precisely, We have created an educational Webinar Event for you so can better understand the incredible advantageous available. This informative Webinar is Free with no strings attached. We would be pleased to schedule this for you at a convenient time.

Question: How quick can this “Going Public Program’” happen?
Answer-We have the resources and expertise to complete the entire process in 3 to 4 months. Once you have a stock symbol your future is exponential.